King Philip Trail Riders
Established 1972!
KPTR Festival of Dirt - A Weekend Celebrating Our Love of DIRT! First weekend in June.
The annual KPTR Festival of DIRT starts on the first Saturday in June with the Peewee Scrambles followed by the Junior/Mini Enduro and Vintage Scramble. On Sunday the Senior Enduro goes off at 9:00. All events take place at the Wrentham Development Center on North Street. All parking proceeds go to the Wrentham Development Center. Check out the video from the 2019 event!
King Philip Trail Riders Presents the NETRA Turkey Run.
Turkey Run is for fully licensed and road legal bikes.

The KPTR Legacy
Founded in 1972 the King Philip Trail Riders have been the premier trail riding club in New England. Hosting many prestigous events such as a 2 Day ISDE Qualifier, Multiple National Enduros, and a 2 Day National Hare Scramble. For over thirty years we have been hosting annual Enduros, Trials, and Turkey Runs. Come on out to King Philip Country and experience our quality events.
Members Only
An eclectic collection of images from KPTR events over the years. Not for the faint of heart… Meeting Minutes archive and club related media. Password protected.